Hardcover available on Amazon. Paperback and Ebook available on Amazon
Paperback available through Barnes & Noble
Paperback is also available on Ingram (ISBN 9798869124005)

Izor Rejtő, a young office clerk and a new father living in Budapest, Hungary, was conscripted into the Austro-Hungarian army following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. During the course of the war, he embarked on a journey spanning 25,000 miles, where he bore witness to a spectrum of experiences, ranging from humor, horror, hope, to being a part of historical events.

His six-year odyssey comprised vivid firsthand accounts of World War I battles on the Eastern Front, including Ukraine, incarceration in Siberian POW camps, the tumultuous days of the Bolshevik revolution, and developments regarding peace treaties that would ultimately reshape the world.

The English manuscript was meticulously compiled and crafted by Izor’s grandson, Laurent Rejto. Upon inheriting the weathered journal, Laurent felt a profound connection to his ancestor through the diary entries, letters, postcards, news clippings, and even dried flowers. The journey allowed Rejto to gain a deep understanding of his grandfather and the history that shaped the 20th century.

The paperback is 6” x 9” and 208 pages.

EARLY reviews from friends, colleagues and strangers

“From the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at the outset, the reader is thrown headlong into a frantic nail biting journey as compelling as any war movie in recent memory.

In IZOR'S JOURNEY, the absurdity and heartbreak of war is laid bare. Handed a gun and flung into battle with commanders who seem as ill equipped as the men they are leading; IZOR'S JOURNEY becomes an Everyman’s account of the shocking and brutal suddenness of a life upended by war.

IZOR'S JOURNEY is a fascinating first-hand account of Work War 1 that seems as relevant today as it was when it was written over a hundred years ago.” Colin Broderick, author, director, producer

Izor Rejto is 29, a young husband, dedicated to his work in Budapest as a clerk in a company specializing in oil and engineering. He is a good man from a good family, in love with his bride, with every expectation that his blessings will continue and, he hopes, multiply. Surrounded by these blessings, he continues his pursuits and gives only the most peripheral notice of the adumbrations of war. Of chaos and death. And then, that June, in 1914, Franz Ferdinand is assassinated and Izor is sent into that chaos. He is conscripted in July and deployed in August. In November he is a prisoner of war.

There is a literary tradition of authors drawing inspiration from war. Fiction is used as a means to inspire, to explain, to learn. We have only to reference films like “Seven Beauties,” “All Quiet on the Western Front,” “For Whom the Bell Tolls” to acknowledge that war is a compelling subject. Fiction allows us a step or two distance from its threat. Its dread. Its desolation. We laugh at that rascal, Pasquale Frafuso of Seven Beauties fame because he, and his life, are so unlike that of most of us. Thus, so is his war just something on the page, on the screen. But Izor’s Journey is not fiction. Izor Rejto witnessed friends blown to pieces. Izor Rejto walked and walked and trudged, mile after dreadful mile. Izor Rejto was sent to Siberia, a phrase in our canon to mean utter exile. For Izor, it was a 25,000 mile eternity away from his love, his life, his liberty. And so he keeps a journal. And somehow, he survives. We are not allowed that step or two away from his experience. It is an unforgettable read, made all the more necessary now that we are here and now we hear, maybe the same drum beats thrumming in Budapest long ago. Truly, there is wisdom and survival in Izor’s words. –Elizabeth Macari

“You don't need to be a history buff to get into this book... you just need to be a human being. Laurent Rejto's grandfather was conscripted into the Austro-Hungarian army in the aftermath of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, and in spite of deprivation, near-starvation, insane/inept leadership, and a prolonged visit to hell-on-earth, he decided to keep a diary. We are the beneficiaries of his observations.

This is a fantastic read. I couldn't help but think of Hemingway, whose economy of words delivers a gut-punch to the reader. Highly recommended.”                                               
–Ingrid Price

"Izor's Journey is a very special book. It's a miracle that he kept his account going during some horrendous experiences during WWI. He gives such a spontaneous, authentic view of events - battles, captivity and the beginnings of the Bolshevik Revolution. One of the shining moments in the book (for me) is when Izor states, "Our sole source of joy stems from the concerts and plays performed at the theater." I was moved to hear this voice from so long ago express how fundamental this profession was to their well-being." – Michael Medeiros (www.michaelmedeiros.com)

Izor’s Journey is a remarkable insight into the human spirit. A page-turning account of a humble man facing the inhumanity of circumstance. The journal chronicles his amazing fortitude - Izor’s life from conscription to emancipation - 4 years of unimaginable courage and an unrelenting adherence to his cultural and religious convictions. How he was able to survive AND write this amazing memoir thru this ordeal is beyond imagination. Truly a testament to the human spirit. Isten aldd meg a magyart.” –Alex Fernbach, Cobalt Stages

"An intimate and gripping tale of survival full of fascinating quotidian detail that bridges the years and immerses the reader in a bygone world. Izor is an astute observer of his environment and creates compelling sketches of the characters who cross his path. His story is one of fortitude, sensitivity, and hope." –Gideon Moor

”I just finished reading a powerful book called Izor’s Journey written by Laurent Rejtő. He translated his Grandfather’s journal entries made during his time in the Austro-Hungarian army throughout the 1st World War.

I could not put this book down. It left me appreciating the small things in life more than ever while, simultaneously, shaken. I’m wholeheartedly recommending this book.” 

–John Murray, producer, composer at Private Eye Music

Izor’s Journal is an incredible story. It’s an unbelievable journey through some of the most tumultuous periods of the early 1900’s. I am proud I was able to assist Laurent translating Izor’s original journals and helping the words come to life. The book is a fascinating read. I highly recommend!”

–Paul Van Wormer, producer

Izor’s Journey paints a breathtaking story of resilience and humanity amid the bleak and hopeless abyss of WWI.  Very rarely does one get such an incredibly detailed and personal portrait of life on the frontlines as what Rejto has presented; truly a gem that had me holding my breath with each page only to let it out when Izor’s humor and humility, which is peppered throughout otherwise harrowing obstacles, allowed.  

Izor’s Journey is an intimate and transportive marvel that showcases the elasticity of the human soul. “

Jeremiah Wenutu, filmmaker

Izor's Journey transported me back to the world of my own mother's childhood during World War I.
This intimate journal paints a mental portrait of that chaotic period. Sometimes we relate to these ancestors in a two dimensional aspect but here is Izor, a three dimensional person documenting this extraordinary period in his life. I kept thinking of Ulysses and his never ending quest and motivation to return to his loved ones. This really is a testament to human resilience in the face of unimaginable challenges.”

Amy Hutchings, Casting Director

A beautifully written journey into the past. A phenomenally engaging, gut wrenching,
fascinating read that kept me glued to the page from the very start.”
–J Kelly

“I finished Izor’s Journey.  Loved it.  What an amazing story and what a view into the sometimes almost gentlemanly way prisoners were treated. Not that life in Siberia was a picnic! Definitely looking forward to reading your father’s book.” –Tom Muro

“I love this book and highly recommend it to all as a must to be read! Laurent has written a masterpiece.
His Grandfather Izor's journey is a gift for all of us to experience.” –Deirdre Reckseit Miller, production manager at
Big Chief Entertainment

Having seen posts by the author where he shared excerpts from his Grandfather’s WW1 journal, I was glad to learn he published the complete journal. I always found the posts fascinating and the book so much more.

From the first page I was pulled into the world of Izor who miraculously exhibits focus and amazing survival skills while faced with true horror from literally every direction.

From the moment he is conscripted into the army his words, penned in a protected journal, carry the reader through training, trenches, starvation, battles and the horror of captivity.

The words are not from a fictional character, they are from a young man doing his very best to survive against tremendous odds.

I enjoy reading, but I usually take my time and books can take days and sometimes weeks for me to complete. I finished this book in one sitting.

Izor’s journal left me feeling more appreciation for the smaller things in life; what is often taken for granted.

The story is relevant today. Izor speaks to us through the time portal of his journal and quietly points out that not much has changed since the moment he pressed his pen to paper and today as present eyes read the words he penned.

I highly recommend this book.

Steplander, Music composer and producer (from Amazon)